VOTE on ideas

You must be a Facilitator to add or customize this process step.

Voting allows contributors to prioritize ideas by allocating votes.

The voting process can be designed to allow contributors to do the following:

  • allocate only one vote to ideas.   
  •  allocate more than one vote to an idea.   
  •  allocate all their votes before they can proceed to the next step.   
  • sort the results to show the most voted ideas at the top.

To add a VOTE step:

  1. Open the map customization page (see Customize your map).
  2. Navigate to PROCESS.
  3. Click ADD STEP.
  4. Click VOTE.

  1. Click OK.

To customize an existing VOTE process step:

  1. Navigate to PROCESS. Click the step to be customized.
  2. Adjust the behavior of the VOTE process.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Click SAVE CHANGES.

To allocate a vote to an idea:

  1. Open the map. Navigate to the VOTE process step.

  1. Participants can allocate their votes by clicking the '+' and/or '-' to the right of each idea.

To view a VOTE report:

  1. Go to the map.
  2. Open the side panel by clicking the hamburger icon (top left).
  3. Select REPORT.
  4. Navigate to the VOTE tabA summary of which ideas received votes, can be found.

To export, save or print a summary of VOTES, see Export map data to Excel.

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