Inviting facilitators - costs

Inviting facilitators to a map or workspace may attract additional costs and will depend on your plan.

Plan type Inviting facilitators - costs
Enterprise site-wide license Included in license
Enterprise floating license Cost per additional facilitator charged each calendar month (based on subscription plan)
Standard license  Cost per additional facilitator charged each calendar month (based on subscription plan)
Event license Quoted at the time of the event

As a rough guide, the cost of a single additional facilitator ranges from $60USD for a single calendar month down to $25USD for a single month.

Only Active Facilitators will attract a charge. 

GroupMap defines an Active Facilitator as a user who has logged in with facilitator access within a calendar month to view, edit, modify, manage, delete, create or facilitate a map or workspace. 

Revoking the access of an Invited Facilitator prior to them joining a map will ensure:

  • that the Invited Facilitator will not be considered as part of a Floating License limit
  • additional costs will not be applied.

Please Contact us to discuss your requirements or to arrange a quote.

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