Tagging and filtering ideas with a category, theme or topic

Ideas can be tagged and filtered according to those tags. This helps to identify key areas of focus or categorize data into meaningful themes. More than one tag can be added, for example -

Tag 1 - Priority (Low, Medium, High)

Tag 2 - Interest area (People, Technology, Process)

To create tags

Navigate to the map customization page (see Customize your map).



3. Choose SELECT MULTIPLE tags or SHOW BADGE ON IDEAS as needed.

  1. Click OK.

Repeat to add additional sets on tags.

Participants will see the tags within the ideas dialogue.

Tagged ideas can be filtered at any process step.

To filter tagged ideas

  1. Click on the process step.

  1. Use the SHOW filter and choose the tag to be displayed.

During your online meeting or workshop, this will show up on the ideas dialogue where people can tag ideas.

You can then filter ideas if you want to focus on a particular aspect.

Click on the stage the click SHOW IDEAS by Category.

Pro Facilitation Tip

Tagging as you discuss an idea is a neat way to engage people critically as you discuss topics. At the end of the exercise, you can then also manage information overload on the screen by just showing a particular set of ideas (for example all the high priority items) one at a time.

You can talk through ideas that belong in the same field or category and build on commonality as well as see relationships or gaps.

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