Embedding maps or workspaces
Embedding maps or workspace is available for customers on the GroupMap Enterprise plan.
Maps and workspaces can be embedded in your existing website via an iFrame to provide a smoother user experience for your participants.
Certain limitations apply to ensure your data remains secure.
Only maps and workspaces are embeddable (not other pages)
Login pages, your GroupMap homepage, map creation etc are not accessible within the embedded context.
Authenticated participants are not supported
If you attempt to join a map using an email address associated with a user account; you'll be prompted to open in a new window. Similarly, single sign-on is not supported in an embedded iFrame.
Participant sessions are not persisted
If the page or iframe is refreshed, the user will be logged out. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that you do not disable the "Require email addresses" option on your map/workspace.
To embed:
Use the invitation URL for your map or workspace - please see Invite Participants by URL.
<iframe src="https://join.groupmap.com/XXX-XXX-XXX" style="width:100%; height:900px"></iframe><br>