Lock a map

You must be a Facilitator to access this feature.

Locking a map prevents participants from making changes. Once a map is locked, only the Facilitator can make changes to the map. 

To lock a map:

  1. Open the map.
  2. Navigate to the map menu by clicking the hamburger icon (top left).
  3. Click LOCK MAP

  1. Select the time when the map is to be locked. Click LOCK.

To cancel a scheduled LOCK:

  1. Open the map.
  2. Click CANCEL LOCK (top center)


  1. Open the map
  2. Navigate to the map menu by clicking on the hamburger icon (top left).
  3. Select CANCEL LOCK.

To UNLOCK a map:

  1. Open the map
  2. Open the map menu by clicking on the hamburger icon (top left).
  3. Select UNLOCK MAP.

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