Change the idea layout

You can change the layout of ideas and how they are displayed on your map to suit the type of activity you have. This is only available for list-styled, blank walls and canvas templates. This is not available in mind maps and charts.

You can only change the layout of ideas in custom background templates. You can find this in the BLANK category of your map library.

The different layout formats are as follows.

  • List - Puts ideas one on top of another in a vertical layout.
  • Tile - Positions ideas in an organized grid.
  • Free - Ideas can be positioned in any location, including on top of one another.
  • None - No ideas can be added to this region.

1. Click on CREATE MAP, then on the BLANK category and choose CUSTOM BACKGROUND.

  1. Click on the DESIGN tile.

  1. Add a REGION where you want ideas to be added. You can choose between a rectangular or polygon shape. Size it as needed on your map.

  2. Scroll down and click on LAYOUT. You can then choose the layout format. You can continue to add regions and change the layout for each region as needed.

  3. Click on OK to save your changes.

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