Keeping your data private, safe and secure

At GroupMap, we take security seriously. 

To protect your GroupMap account, we strongly recommend the following:

  1. Passwords

Use a strong secure password or use SSO to log in.

Do not reuse passwords nor use the same password across multiple sites. If a password for one site is hacked, it could be used to get into your accounts for multiple sites.

Never share passwords or account information with anyone. Sharing passwords also violates our terms of service and may result in your account not being supported.

  1. Screen locks

Turn on screen locks. Screen locks help protect devices from being used without your permission.

GroupMap will automatically log you out after a period of inactivity. However, you can also add a timed screen lock onto your operating system.

  1. Stay up to date

If your browser and operating system aren’t up to date, they may not be safe from hackers.  Ensure you know how to check and update your browser and operating system, and so so regularly. 

Remove any apps or browser extensions you don’t need. The more apps that are installed on a device, the more vulnerable it can be.

Never install unknown apps or apps from unknown sources.

  1. Monitor for suspicious messages and content

Hackers can use emails, text messages, phone calls, and web pages to pretend to be institutions, family members, or colleagues. Avoid suspicious requests, emails and web pages. 

GroupMap prevents users from entering scripts and other code into GroupMap that might be malicious in nature. 

If you suspect that your GroupMap has been shared with the wrong person or compromised, please contact us.

  1. Use free Wi-Fi with caution

Most free public Wi-Fi networks have very few security measures in place, which means others using the same network could easily access your activity. Always use a secure, known connection.

If you notice or are concerned about a breach, please contact us at

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