ACTION ideas

You must be a Facilitator to add or customize this process step.

The ACTION step lets you add multiple actions to ideas. This includes what needs to be done, who is responsible, and the due date.

A report can be generated to view all the created actions per idea.

  1. Open the map customization page (see Customize your map).
  2. Navigate to PROCESS. Click ADD STEP, then ACTION.


  1. Add any instructions for participants to consider when adding actions. Choose who can add actions to ideas. Click OK.

  1. Click SAVE CHANGES.


  1. In your map, click on the ACTION step.

3. Click to FLAG an action, or open up the idea to ADD ACTION.

4. Add details to the action item, then click CREATE.

  • Multiple actions can be added to an idea and rearranged using the MOVE icon . 

Participants can view the details of an action, by clicking on the idea or the flag (right). 

To change the order in which the process step appears within the process, see Reorder process steps.

To view an ACTION report:

  1. Go to the map.
  2. Open the side panel by clicking the hamburger icon (top left).
  3. Select REPORTS.
  4. Go to the ACTION tab. A summary of actions can be found along with details of the action.

To export, save or print an ACTION report, see Export map data to Excel.

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